Sunday, April 15, 2012

Changed Plans

Sometimes accidents happen. Plans change. Trains are missed.
Sometimes you have to accept that fact that you aren't going to be able to climb a mountain like you had planned.
But it's okay, because you are in Barcelona, where there is never a dull day
(other than when your freshly washed clothes get poured on).
Today, my plans changed. I was late, I missed the train, and I didn't climb Montserrat.
I did however adventure through Parc Güell and ate lunch while overlooking the skyline of Barcelona so I guess it's okay for things to go awry and to enjoy what you have in your very own backyard.


1 comment:

  1. muy muy bonita! maybe we were meant to have one last roomie-only day! <3 i'll miss you chica!

    <3 lil roomie
