Wednesday, February 2, 2011

yoga pants yoga pants yoga pants

Finally Wednesday has come, that means we are already half way through the week! So, I know my last post consisted of my overload on happiness due to my package, and that same evening I recieved another package!!!!  It was absolute craziness, I thought packages only came once a year for me!  As soon as I saw that the package was sent for the Barefoot Yoga Company I tore it open and immediateliy put on my beloved OMgirl Nomad Leggings. I have been searching for them everywhere, of course my shopping crazed mother would find them!! They are the perfect combination of the yoga pant and a skirt, so adorable and comfy (I may just even wear them when I am not doing yoga).  Thanks so much mom <333

I have some more exciting news to post! But I will save that for later!! I am going to be a busy little bee
today! The pictures below are a hint..


  1. Ms. Business you look so hot. Congrats Niecyyy!

  2. Would love to borrow pants one day!! Please
    Love u like them XXX OOO

  3. Hello fellow PA girl! I am up here in Northern PA too :) If you ever need another pair of yoga pants - because 1 is never enough (or 3) try Beyond Yoga - they are great! Wear them all the time, even for running in this mucky snow. loved your blog.
    GO Panthers!- read all about the vegas gold and blue my boys want to paint in their bedrooms on an upcoming post

  4. Nice to see your pants. I recently purchased alo yoga pants and finding them really comfy. Have started wearing them for my yoga class. It’s very flexible and makes me feel amazing. Planning to have few more printed ones.
