There is something about running that no non-runner can ever understand.
Despite all of the pain, time, and energy our body goes through, there is still that next day that keeps calling us back for more, and we respond to it by getting our shoes on again and hitting the road.
Because we are runners and that's what we do.
As difficult as it may be to get myself motivated to go for a run, at the end of the day if I missed my run I feel a sense of guilt, like I missed my 'me time' with the world.
Yesterday it was a beautiful 73 degree sunny day in Pittsburgh, everyone was laying out on the grass, throwing footballs, studying, listening to music, just enjoying life, as was I, [& the last thing I wanted to do was get up from relaxing], but as I was looking through my planner I noticed May 1st.... Then I noticed yesterday's date was April 14th...
Needless to say, I got up and ran. With only two weeks before my next half marathon I knew I couldn't waste a day not getting some kind of exercise in! Because I do not want a repeat of last year. ouch [I'll save that story for another post]
So I decided to do a speed work out yesterday and while I was running my 800s I got that feeling
That feeling of nervousness, you know, the one you get before a race.
I hate that feeling.
But I find myself signing up for races, time and time again : )

And now that I am in college and don't compete for a team anymore I still find the butterflies coming into my stomach. But the races keep coming because when a group of over a thousand people come together to do what they love, it is just the most empowering thing, and the stories you hear as you are running, simply remind you why you started in the first place.
free pink ribbon bagels from panera, just kidding!
Last year after my first half marathon... I was in serious PAIN in this picture... and to top it off my
mother beat me.
Do you like to race?
Favorite Distance?!!?
If so you know that feeling I am talking about!
What do you do to keep calm and carry on?